Echofall is a third-person action-adventure set in a dystopian near-future, where we introduce a unique genre blend: Adaptive Combat Dystopian Adventure. You play as the lone survivor of a “Quiet Apocalypse” brought on by the mysterious arrival of a silent, otherworldly craft hovering over Earth. Armed with an AI-powered device named C.I.D. and your loyal companion Ro.M.P.E.R., you’ve uncovered a potential way to restore the world—if you can survive the journey.
Your path leads through the dangerous, anomaly-riddled lands of rural East Texas, where environmental distortions caused by the alien ship and rogue automated machines turned against humanity stand in your way. It’s a fight for survival in a world forever changed, and your actions will determine its fate.
In Echofall, adaptive combat means that enemies dynamically change their tactics based on how you engage or evade them. Instead of following predictable patterns, enemies will adjust their patrols, attack strategies, and methods of pursuit in response to your actions. If you confront them head-on, they may become more aggressive or call for reinforcements. If you rely on stealth, they’ll modify their search patterns, making each encounter more challenging and forcing you to constantly adapt your approach.
Echofall was started in the Fall of 2023 (If you are a game developer you may understand a little extra backstory in that.) Echofall was built mostly by one person but over time more hands pitched in when they could. Work is ongoing daily. We do have a development schedule, a budget and staffing plan and of course a trusty pitch deck. Echofall does have some features working but not quite enough for us to feel comfortable showcasing it. Outside of actually developing the game, the next big task is securing funds to bring on more people full time. If you are a publisher, investor or VC we'd love to talk and can be contacted using the form below!
Wayne Adams: Founder / Game Director
Wayne has been creating games since 1990, though he made it official in 2007. Over the past 17+ years, he’s contributed to a wide range of AAA, AA, and indie titles across PC, console, mobile, AR, and VR platforms. When he’s not crafting virtual worlds, Wayne is a passionate fan of comic books, pulp horror, and sci-fi. In his rare moments of downtime, you’ll find him binge-watching shows with his wife and their three wonderfully mischievous dogs.
Our team is currently made up of a diverse and exceptionally talented group of individuals who contribute when they can across Engineering, Design, Art, and Production/Business Development.
One of the studio's main goals is to bring these talented team members on board full-time. To achieve that, we’re actively seeking funding through investors, publishers—or, if necessary, Wayne might consider parting with a few non-essential organs!